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  Courtesy of Josiah Deutsch : (Let's get him to 40k hits!)  I'm glad to report movement in the Federal Criminal case against psycho, James Arnold Allen, of Ada, Oklahoma. SAC said it's with the AUSA Clerk's office, but wouldn't elaborate.. Soooo I continue to wait, but that's okay. I find joy in knowing what's in store for Jimmy, makes all the waiting worth it! That means Jimmy won't be able to buy Diana that multi-million dollar mansion on the beach in Cancun, Cozumel, or wherever his make-believe state of mental illness takes his Fantasyworld that day, nor will he make that December mandate. Once indicted it's impossible to travel internationally without the Judge's permission. Between that and, oh yeah, Jimmy's poverty, and the Child Support block on his Passport (with the Department of State), it's not going to happen.. Just fantasy.. Although I wish he would flee, that would be even more felonies for Jimmy!!!  James, stop stringing
Recent posts

Look At Balding, Old AF Mario

Someone definitely looks like they're almost 50.. What 50 year-old sits around and takes pics like this anyway? Answer: Lunatic stalker, James Arnold Allen, that's who! Imagine how Jimmy is going to age when he's in the FEDERAL bighouse! 

James is Tripling-down on Stolen Valor and Stealing from Real Wounded Vets!

We all know Jimmy was never a Soldier.. A soldier in the US Army graduates BCT and AIT, or OSUT regardless of component (Active or Reserve). James, you enlisted on a contract to serve in the Reserve with the guarantee that after AIT you would make SPC, with half of your bonus paid at your ship date and the other half paid when you completed. We have your discharge and MEPS paperwork, dude, they put your guaranteed grade at closure so you wouldn't have to pay back half the bonus, and so they wouldn't have to waste JP cycles. YOU NEVER SERVED, YOU PSYCHOTIC KOOK! How about that RE code? That's right, they DIDN'T WANT YOU BACK because you wasted USG time, money, and that RE code will follow you around forever, along with your upcoming felonies and past DUI (your NCIC record is still there, dude). You enlisted in the Reserve, went to BCT, which technically puts you on AD through training, but you couldn't hack it and were separated after five weeks (Jan-20-2005 thru Feb

James' Army Service Dates (complete lack thereof)

If you, or someone you know, has been told stories about military service by James Arnold Allen, of Ada, Oklahoma, and you're willing to talk to the Feds, contact me at so I can put you in touch with the ongoing investigation about Stolen Valor and Fraud, among other charges that are unknown to me.  James never passed Reception at BCT. If he has embellished his military service record more than shown below, reach out and let me know, especially if he used this status for any gain. This is when he clocked into and got the boot from BCT, note the short duration.. He spent most of his time at 'Sick Call'.. Pathetic, and an extreme waste of taxpayer $$$!


First off, I'm sorry for leaving everyone hanging after my last post. The call was much more involved than I thought and there's much I'm not able to talk about.. To date, I've had meetings with three agents,  two SAs, an ASAC, and now I have another with a different ASAC, and AUSAs in Florida, Oklahoma and Texas. They're trying to separate facts from my personal bias, which I get and completely agree with. But it's taking time, time in which James keeps spouting his crazy nonsense and doing god only knows. I reported a single, straight-forward instance (I'm not even the victim).. Happy to help and all, but hurry up and charge him already so he can't victimize anyone else!  The scope has clearly grown. They have Jimmy dead-to-rights on what I reported, but I guess what they say about the feds is true, they find everything and stack charges. It's hard to argue with effectiveness of a 0.4% acquittal rate.. But I'm selfish, HURRY UP!!! ;-)  Guess in

Tick Tock

Here I am, awake at 4am, on my mountain, rocking back and forth, watching the snow slowly fall. Why am I awake at this crazy hour? Because this morning I have a follow up Zoom with the feds, and my lawyer; 20+ years of slander and libelous claims are nearing their end.  I'm not allowed to speak about the charges -- I can later, hang in there -- but let it suffice to say criminal James Arnold Allen will have enough problems that even his level of crazy won't have the time of day, and in a system that cares very little about his mental capacity (or lack thereof). If that aint worth a little excitement-induced lost sleep, I don't know what is!  Random thought: I should send Jimmy a parting gift when this is all over, something his speed, like a custom participation trophy. Telegraphing his demise brings me so much enjoyment. Ahh.. life's good!