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The OSBI moves slowly, but things are progressing. Mr. Mentally Incompetent Stalker, James Arnold Allen, will soon be in his future home (prison or the loonie bin). Hope you represent yourself and do as good of a job as you have in your civil case, where nobody responds because you're a complete idiot.

Looks like James' own mother --  the one he lied about caring for and sewed into his mental illness, but in reality, he was banned from seeing -- wrote him out of her will. His twisting of her into his delusions goes beyond mental illness and, once again, speaks to James' criminal nature. What a sick person! 

Per James' adoptive Mother's will:

Summary of James Arnold Allen:

  • 47 y/o
  • No income
  • Unemployed for YEARS
  • Disowned by most of his family
  • Takes high-blood pressure medication
  • ADA P.D. feels he needs to be on psychopathic medication
  • Commits Stolen Valor (misrepresents military service)
  • Deeply in debt (over $67k in back Child Support alone)
  • Deadbeat father; never attempted to be part of his son's life
  • Relies on an allowance from his adoptive Dad for basic needs
  • Files meaningless motions, continuously committing perjury
  • Squats in adoptive Step-mom's house (doesn't pay rent, won't leave)
  • Sponges on others to pay his utility costs (internet, electric, cell phone, etc.)
  • Self-proclaimed suffers from PTSD when there is no proof of any traumatic event
  • Claims people are defrauding him and his companies, however, said companies never made money
  • Barred from seeing his dying adoptive mother; excluded from Will due to chronic manipulation
  • Continuously provides false statements and reports to Ada Police Department 
  • Chronic history of sponging off others and avoiding employment
  • Alcoholic (already has one DUI see here)


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Enjoy the new threads, Jimmy!!! HAHAHA