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Jimmy and the BIG SURPRISE on 1/15

How about that irony in Jimmy using a 40+ year-old glass that he stole from his stepmom, that goes for $2 on eBay, to drink cheap flavored whisky from, while trying to belittle others as drinking from "sippy cups"? Even SqueezeIts are more ADULT than clowntard Jimmy.

Ohhhh Jimmay! Not the sign of a person who has any inkling about what's in store when you show up for that hearing next month. 

The warning signs were there all along for little Jimmy, but he chose to waste all his time on shit like this, time that could be better spent on things like..working..accumulating money for a many things that normal adults would do under the same circumstances. But instead he wastes his time posting nonsense on the internet, and collecting five-year Protective Orders by stalking 21 year-old girls (see below).

Enjoy the BIG HOUSE, little guy.


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Enjoy the new threads, Jimmy!!! HAHAHA